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Products & Services by

Country Bankers Life Insurance Corporation

Creditor's Group Life (CGL)

This special plan caters to all lending institutions. It protects lending businesses by assuming payment of the deceased debtor’s loan.

Mortgage Redemption Insurance (MRI)

It protects all lending businesses by assuming payment of the deceased debtor’s loan.

CB Kalinga (Microinsurance)

The most comprehensive family insurance program for groups of 500+ members from MFIs, rural/thrift banks, co-ops, and NGOs.

Alalay sa Buhay

Life Insurance protection for one (1) year. Renewable up to age 70.

Alalay sa Buhay Family

Life Insurance protection for the family for one (1) year. Renewable up to age 70.

Alalay sa Buhay for Seniors

Life Insurance protection for Seniors for one (1) year. Renewable up to age 70.

CB Ipon

Salary Savings Insurance protection for employees, payable in five years (5) via salary deduction.

Kalinga sa Pandemya

A one-year Term Insurance protection for individual for COVID related cause of death.

Yearly Renewable Term

One time premium payment based on the insured’s age and imputed optional benefits.

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Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Get insured now and have peace of mind knowing that you’re covered in case of unexpected events.

Products & Services by

Country Bankers Insurance Corporation

Motor Vehicle Insurance

Covers damage to your vehicle and protects you financially if you’re liable for someone else’s injuries or damages.

Motorcar Insurance

Fire Insurance

A type of insurance policy that protects the policyholder in the event that their home or property is destroyed or damaged in a fire.

Bonds / Surety

A contract between three parties—the principal , the surety  and the obligee —in which the surety financially guarantees to an obligee that the principal will act in accordance with the terms established by the bond.

Contractors' All Risks Insurance

Offer comprehensive protection against losses to contract works, construction plant and equipment, construction machinery and liability to third-party.

Money, Security & Payroll

A form of insurance that provides protection to business establishments against loss of their money, securities, and payroll whether these are in or out of premises.
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Comprehensive General Liability

Protection of the Insured’s business against third parties. claims as a result of property damage and/or bodily. injury arising from the operations of the business.

Marine Insurance

Marine cargo insurance provides protection for businesses that ship goods domestically or internationally.

Personal Accident Insurance

An annual policy which provides compensation in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by violent, accidental, external and visible events.

Schedule Property Floater Insurance

Provides cover, within the country, against all risks of direct physical loss or damage to the property insured from any external cause.

Not sure what you need?

Are you feeling uncertain about what kind of insurance coverage you need? It’s a common problem, and there are many options to consider.
Contact Us & We gladly help you.